
Monday, January 7, 2008

What's In My Bookmarks?

Up until about 3 months ago, I had a total of 13 websites bookmarked - 2 I had added on my own and the other 11 were added for me (manufacturer sites, etc). I really didn't like the idea of bookmarking websites. I had committed to memory my favorite addresses and the rest just didn't matter that much to me. I liked knowing that I didn't need a computer tool to help me - I pride myself on my memory.

But in the last few months, my pride has been a little taxed and I have started to take full advantage of the little tool called a bookmark. This change came largely from my surfing the web a lot more (particularly blogs). I couldn't keep track of them all! In stepped the bookmark and I've been a happy surfer ever since.

So, what's in my bookmarks? Lots of things, actually. So many that I have to categorize them. And I have blogs, as well as "actual" sites. I could list all of my bookmarks, but who wants to read that? Instead, here are 5 blogs that tickle my fancy right now (I'm sure my fancy will change soon enough, so I'll keep you posted).

Dooce - my absolute favorite blog on the web today. She is funny, smart, and candid. She's my age and has a daughter 1 week younger than Elliot. She helps to keep me sane with all of her insanity.

The Green Blog - this is a new discovery of mine. I'm always looking for new/better websites that focus on healthier living for both my family and the planet. I also love the Sundance channel's series The Green. So when I discovered this little gem, I couldn't have been happier.

Smitten Kitchen - my girlfriend turned me on to this site. The author is regular person who makes food in her home kitchen and takes beautiful photographs of the process and creations. She is honest about the results and will admit when something didn't go as planned. Very tasty and inspiring!

Making Memories Blog - okay, so I had to include a scrapbooking site. This is really why I got into blogging in the first place - I was searching out inspiration. MM is one of my favorite manufacturers and their blog is great. They feature a lot of inspiration and have contests sometimes too - nothing like the possibility of free stuff to make me want to visit your site!

AE Design - Technically, this is another scrapbooking blog - Ali is one of the contributing editors of Creating Keepsakes magazine. But her website is more than just scrapbooking. She is an inspiring person and has a wonderful perspective that she shares in her blog.

Oh and, by the way, the original 2 are still there. They are Kopp's Frozen Custard and Nostalgic Candy. I clearly needed to broaden my horizons.

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