
Monday, November 1, 2010

Getting Ready for Cold Weather

Here's a little tutorial that will, hopefully, help all you moms make it through the winter with your sanity intact.

How to Make Mitten Ribbons:

Supplies Needed:
  • Child
  • Mittens
  • Coordinating ribbon and thread
  • Sewing machine

First, measure your child's arm span from fingertip to fingertip.  To this measurement, add 2 inches per arm for drop and 1 inch per arm for seam allowance (for a total of 6 inches).  In my case, my daughter's arm span was 34 inches, so my total was 40 inches.  Cut your ribbon to this length.
Second, fold one end of the ribbon in on itself so that a faw edge isn't exposed.  Next, pin it to the inside of the mitten on the palm side.
Third, sew the ribbon and mitten together being sure to sew along another seam line or as inconspicuous a place as possible.

This is what the inside and outside of the mitten will look like:

Repeat this process with the other mitten, being sure to keep the ribbon untangled and attached to the palm side.  Once both mittens are secured to the ribbon, thread each mitten through a jacket sleeve (making sure it is the appropriate hand) and you're done!
If you wish, you can make your Mitten Ribbon longer than your child's arm span to allow for growth.  If you do this, simply knot the ribbon inside the jacket until you need the extra length.  And give a big WOOT! for never losing a mitten again!

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