
Thursday, December 6, 2007

Rockin Out

Elliot, you rock! This video is almost a year old and it still makes me smile every time I watch it. It is the quintessence of you. You have boundless energy, a sweet and caring disposition and a wonderful sense of humor. You also like to keep things neat and orderly (notice how you drum in order?), but we all know where that tendency came from!

And we both know that there are days when all that "Elliot-ness" tires me out. When you haven't slept enough and the world is too much for you. When the only way to express yourself is through tears and obstinateness. When you remind me every minute that patience is a virtue (a department in which I am seriously lacking).

But at the end of the day, when you are fast asleep and, probably, dreaming of the mischief to come, I know that I wouldn't want my life any other way than with you rocking it.

I love you, Bug!

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